The Tongue. (Life)

Assignment 2.

Assignment 2 is almost the same as the previous assignment but replaced by typography. It should be on 10 by 10 (inches) platform too. Let's see how it goes on. :p

Final Artwork.

Artist Statement
Title : Workouts for an hourglass shaped figure.

Hourglass represents the shape desired by almost every women.
Sand represents the pressure(workout) needed on forming hourglass shape figure. Pink represents feminism. Hourglass is made of glass. Glass is transparent and sand is visible from outside. So do the effects of working out (exercising) can be seen from the outer body. In a conclusion, the more you workout, the curvier you are. So ladies, whatcha waiting for? WORKOUT and have that curvy shape! ;)

Progress on my Artwork (Adobe Photoshop).

Object of my artwork.


Researches based on colours used on my artwork.

Pink Means Feminine

For many modern cultures, the color pink has become the color meaning femininity, in all its forms. This means that the more feminine a woman is the likely she is to wear pink in fiction. It's also why it's thought girls appreciate pink things more than other colors.
The form of the pink is best done with elegant clothing (like the walls on her bedroom and the furniture), but even something "manly" being colored pink would count for this trope. Heck, even a dress that's not normally pink, like a Fairytale Wedding Dress, could be either colored pink (for being non-traditional, but still feminine), or have pink trimmings (usually in the form of a bouquet with pink flowers). A woman wearing sexy pink clothes can look naughty and nice at the same time.
This trope is Newer Than They Think. Pink is a shade of red, and red (being the color of blood) was considered masculine. Blue was the feminine hue (because it was associated with the Virgin Mary), and still is in some parts of the world.
The strong association of pink and a girly sort of womanhood makes this a delicate trope to navigate. For instance, a Tomboy will refuse to wear pink and her counterpart, the Girly Girl, will insist on it. A favorite twist is to bring the "feminine and delicate" connotations into hard contrast with an Action Girl's rough, tough, and indelicate career. Expect the Girly Bruiser to wear pink while kicking ass. Real Men Wear Pink also plays on the contrast (often humorous) which comes up when a "manly" man is shown to enjoy "girly" pursuits.

Body types of women.

Pilates Butt and Thigh Workout - Butt Lifting Pilates Workout for Toned ...

Hourglass Exercises For Curvier Body.

An hourglass shape is a body type where the hips and bust are wide relative to the size of the waist. This body type has recently regained popularity and is known as the sort of quintessential symbol of a woman, and a staggering portion of the population, both male and female, prefers the hourglass figure to any other body shape. Women who naturally have these types of figures will find that when they gain weight, it happens first in the hips and bust. If you aren't a natural hourglass shape but want to be, the exercises in this workout can help.
The moves in this routine are hourglass exercises, in a sense, that can comprehensively get the body to look more voluptuous in the hips and chest, and tinier in the waistline (keep reading for a text version of a similar workout).

To get a lean and curvy shape, it takes a total body workout. A healthy diet and routines like ones in the workout video above, built specifically for building shapely lean muscle, is among your best options for making the waist look smaller and getting a more curvy silhouette. Remember that in order to be able to see the benefit, you’re going to have to maintain a healthy body weight (for health reasons, as well).

While genes largely determine basic body shape, there are hourglass exercises that can change body structure to help it look curvier. The routine below uses exercises that target body parts that can make you look curvier, and it tones at the same time (which can also make for higher muscle content and a faster metabolism). Do this workout for a few weeks and you'll feel more energetic, and likely start to notice curves start to appear.
To get a smaller waist and increase the look of curves:

1 Minute Jumping Oblique Twist

15 Pilates Side Planks with Leg Raises

15 Windshield Wipers

1 Minute Lateral Jumps

To strengthen muscles of the chest and help it fight gravity:

15 Wide Push Ups

15 Plank Extensions

1 Minute Mountain Climbers

To get a booty that gives you a curvy profile and an hourglass figure:

15 Alternating Lunges

1 Minute High Knees

15 Sumo Squats

15 Cross Over Lunges

Remember to always do equal repetitions on each side of the body.

Fitness Blender's Pilates Butt & Thigh Video can also do a lot for attaining the shapely glutes that often accompany an a curvy silhouette.

Do this Hourglass Figure Workout 2-3 times through, 2-3 times a week. If you do these hourglass exercises regularly, you will definitely see a change for the better in your figure, no matter your natural shape!

Assignment 1

Assignment 1 is about expressing feelings or an abstract message on a 10 by 10 (inches) platform. So, I decided to do about a woman's figure.  :)